Please read all of the instructions below to submit a lot improvement

Reasons for denial:

1. Inadequate or incomplete plans
2. The plans show an improvement to be in violation of a Covenant, Restriction, or Bylaw
3. The improvement is not in harmony with the general surroundings of the Lot or with buildings or structures
4. The improvement would be, in the opinion of the Committee, contrary to the interest/rights of another homeowner

All improvements must be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee and approved prior to the commencement of work. Approval must be in the form of a written notice or an electronic notice from a member of the Committee or the Board. An original copy will be maintained by the Committee.

Please click the link below to download the request form. You can then email the form to or upload it via the contact us link. Please be sure to upload any supporting documents you have.

All requests must include two drawn plans or one electronic plan and comply with the following specifications:

1. Must include a plot plan showing the location of the proposed improvement on the lot
2. Must include the composition of materials used
3. Must be drawn to a scale. Please include the scale on the drawing.
4. Must be legible and easy to read/understand