Dear Neighbors:

We hope you and yours had a Happy Independence Day and are doing well.
On July 7th, the board of directors held their first monthly meeting since the annual meeting in March due to the coronavirus issues. We are happy to report there have been no issues during this time.
We are pleased to report The Architectural Control Committee received and approved several requests from homeowners enhancing their properties with exterior projects. The Treasurer reports no outstanding or delinquent payments or collections. As of this date there have been no projects other than routine maintenance.

Obtaining legal actions has been slowed due to the court closures and limited hours with the law offices and attorneys’ working from home. Again, due to the coronavirus issues.
However, and finally, you will find enclosed Distribution Draft and Ballot to amend the Springs of Hamptons Covenants in reference to “Owner Occupancy Requirements” as were discussed, voted and approved to move forward at the March 2020 annual meeting.
Upon approval as explained in the ballot the association attorney will process and forward to Marion County Zoning for approval and record with Marion County Recorder. We hope to have completed and recorded (upon approval) by the next annual meeting in March 2021 but remind you the City-County legal wheels are turning slowly. Please “VOTE” and submit by August 30, 2020. You may return to any board member below or mail to address on ballot.

The Board
- Gary Redmon

- Joan Brown

- Brenda Williamson